Sunday 30 November 2014

Sweet Couscous for Breakfast

As promised, I tried out a sweet couscous for breakfast today. However, as BB developed a fever early this morning, he didn't get to try it. I've been taught by my parents since young to 'starve a fever' thus I would usually reduce the food intake while increasing the nursing frequencies or durations. He 'buffeted' as usual in the morning, only had a couple of mouthfuls of unsweetened green beans plus 1/3 bowl of the soup at my mum's place for brunch, nursed again after he woke up from his nap & had a double boiled pear as a light dinner. As per every night, he nursed before bedtime & knocked out by 9.30pm which is pretty early by his standard.

Ingredients (2 adults serving):

1/2 cup of organic couscous
1 cup of fresh milk
1/2 tsp of pure vanilla extract
A generous dash of cinnamon
Organic raisins
Almonds or walnuts (chop finely for toddlers but I left them whole since they were for hubby & me)


1. Heat up the milk, vanilla & cinnamon in a pot. Let it come to a boil before adding the couscous. Simmer till the water has been absorbed by the couscous which should only take between 2 to 3 minutes.

2. Remove from heat & top with raisins & almonds or walnuts. Serve immediately.

The initial plan was to top with fresh mango chunks but my mango was still unripe after cutting it :( Since it was sourish & parts of it were kinda hard, I changed to raisins & nuts at the very last minute. Another fast, easy & healthy breakfast option for all you busy mummies ~.^

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